Back-to-School Backpack Drive

August 11, 2021
Backpacks filled with school supplies line the floor of St. Paul's Chapel

For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.

2 Corinthians 8:12

As children across New York City prepare to return to school this fall, it’s no surprise that many families are struggling to pull the necessary resources together to ensure their children have what they need to start the school year off strong.  On average, U.S. households spend approximately $790 in back-to-school expenses, and school supplies alone can range from $26 to $150 per student.  

Donated backpacks ready to be packed with school supplies in St. Paul's Chapel.

Donated backpacks ready to be packed with school supplies in St. Paul's Chapel.

Join Trinity as we partner with local schools whose students have a significant need and local universities serving student-parents to provide backpacks filled with school supplies to help get children off to a strong start. Our goal is to distribute 1,000 backpacks across Chinatown, Lower East Side, TriBeCa, and Wall Street. 

"Trinity is committed to supporting our neighbors in Lower Manhattan," said Vidia Cordero, Deputy Chief Community Impact Officer. "This has been a particularly challenging year for many people, and many families in particular. We want to give back through this Backpack Drive, give children a reason to smile as they go back to school, and make a difference in people's lives through our efforts and those of our partners like P.S. 142, P.S. 140, and P.S./M.S. 188. We hope you'll join us in supporting these efforts."