Spiritually Grounded Skill-Building, Anytime and Anywhere

May 23, 2024
Trinity Leadership Fellows Commons
Faith Leadership Campus is a new online platform offering free courses based on Trinity Leadership Fellows curriculum.

Over the last five years, Trinity has sought to address gaps in leadership and mission real estate training within the Episcopal Church and the wider Anglican communion. Seminary education focuses primarily on the traditional fields of theological education, which are the foundation of ordained leadership in the Church. At the same time, lay and ordained faith leaders also need expertise beyond traditional academic disciplines — in areas like conflict transformation, church & non-profit management, change management, finance, mission-oriented real estate development, and social entrepreneurship. Trinity continues to fund innovative programs in this vein with our grantmaking initiatives, and by hosting the Trinity Leadership Fellows (TLF) program, bringing a new cohort of emerging leaders together every year to strengthen their core competencies for effective leadership.  

We’re pleased to announce our newest offering, Faith Leadership Campus, which allows us to support and expand the community of faith leaders dedicated to serving those in need. This new online platform offers free courses based on the curriculum developed for the TLF program and Mission Real Estate training events. Classes build practical leadership skills grounded in Christian faith and values. Anyone who identifies as a leader in their community, whether working in their congregation or community, is welcome to sign up.  

Faith Leadership Campus

Faith Leadership Campus is open to individuals and groups

Users will have access to the seven core courses offered to the Trinity Leadership Fellows, along with electives focused on financial management, and mission-based real estate development. Moreover, we’re proud to partner with the Archbishop of Canterbury to offer access to the Difference course, which explores what it means to follow Jesus in the face of conflict and how to seek transformation in everyday encounters. 

Faith Leadership Campus is open to individuals and groups. If a facilitator wishes to lead a group through the curriculum, they may submit a request and create a custom learning space on the platform for that group to learn and grow together.  

If you share our passion for faith as an anchor and driver for serving your community, Faith Leadership Campus is for you. We look forward to working with the next generation of leaders across time zones and faith traditions. 


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