9 Ways to Practice Self-Care During Difficult Times

April 16, 2020

Candle in Darkness

Photo from Trinity Church Wall Street

Trinity's pastoral care team offers these tips for taking care of yourself during difficult times:

1. Practice gratitude rather than guilt

2. Focus on simple things: slowly sip a cup of coffee or tea, look up at the sky to notice the color and clouds, light a candle

3. Sing or hum a tune you love

4. Visit an accessible place that soothes you

5. Breathe in God’s love and peace; exhale tension and fear

6. Be aware of and limit your online or TV news access

7. Take in the beauty of art, music, poetry

8. Join in a community group or effort that shares your concerns

9. Remember the invitation of Jesus to “Come and rest a while” (Mark 6:31)

If you or a loved one is facing illness, death, or another emergency, contact pastoral care here and our Sisters of St. Margaret will pray for your needs and concerns.

Note: A version of this blog first appeared on November 1, 2017.