3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: “Who Am I?”
The Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany
In this season’s Gospel stories, Jesus shows who he is, and he shares the good news of who we all can be when we are unseparated from God. Jeremiah was able to hear God’s whispers when he was a young child. “Who am I?” is a question that we begin to ask ourselves as soon as the separation process from our parents begins and it continues for our whole lives. When we listen and look for God in ourselves, we can discover who we are. —Kathryn Carroll
Read and color the Mini Storybook based on Jeremiah 1:4–10.
The Mini Storybook is included in the take-home packets available at the 11:15am Sunday service. You can also print it at home.
1. Sing and Dance
Sing and dance to Everywhere I Go.
God is with you everywhere you go. Some people listen for God with singing and dancing.
2. Play and Pray
Play Two Truths and a Lie with friends or family members. Try to share some things that have to do with your deepest hopes, prayers, and desires.
Pray: Loving God, help me to know you as I grow to know myself.
Sing along with our Jewish brothers and sisters: L'dor Vador. It means, “from generation to generation”. (Read the full lyrics.)
3. Create
Try the Mini-revolutions activity. Or write a note of encouragement to your younger self. Write a note of encouragement to yourself as you are now. Then write a note of encouragement to yourself as you imagine you will be in five years. Put the notes in an envelope, leave it unsealed to re-read anytime. Or seal the envelope to open in five years, like a time capsule of your feelings and experiences.
Materials: Writing instrument, three blank note or index cards, envelope (included in the January 30 take-home kits).
Bonus: Candlemas
February 2 is Candlemas and the story of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Here is how you can observe and celebrate Candlemas at home. If you received the February mailing items, bless your candles with the prayer from the Candlemas-at-Home page or your own prayer. When your family prays together — at mealtimes, bedtime, or any other time — ask an adult to light one of the candles for everyone to focus on during the prayers. Sing and dance with this version of This Little Light of Mine. “Present” your and Jesus’ light to the world!