3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Mary and Martha

July 14, 2022
Children's choir singing in Trinity Church

The Sixth Sunday After Pentecost

People think about and learn from the story of Mary and Martha in many different ways, at many different times. That is true of almost all of the Bible. Some people think this Gospel story is about a “right” or “wrong” way to follow Jesus. Like most things, there are different ways and different times for us to follow Jesus. And it’s never the same way for everyone every time.

How and when does the Holy Spirit call on you? As with Martha, sometimes we can’t listen because there’s just a lot going on. Sometimes it’s a choice. Mary chose to pause and listen. The summertime often allows us all more space to have some “Mary moments.”

Print, fold, read, and color the booklet of the story of Mary and Martha.

A line drawing of Jesus with Mary and Martha

1, 2, 3

Sing along to Be Still and Know with Kathy Bozzuti-Jones. And instead of dancing, lie down. Listen to and watch creation’s “dance” — in the clouds, leaves in a breeze, birds, or bugs… Go outside for real or in your imagination.



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