3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: The Good Samaritan

July 8, 2022
Children listening to a story during Children’s Time

The Fifth Sunday After Pentecost

Some people might hear the parable of The Good Samaritan as a guilt-trip, because sometimes we might identify more with those who walked past the wounded traveler than the one who stopped to help. When we hear about heroic acts, we sometimes wonder what we would do in the same circumstances.

Maybe Jesus wanted the rich man to see what he had in common with all of the characters in the story: even the robbers and the victim, even the Samarian man. What they all had in common was the capacity to choose how to respond to our neighbors. 

Print, fold, read, and color the story booklet of The Good Samaritan.

A line drawing of The Good Samaritan helping the wounded traveler

1, 2, 3

Sing or pray The Lovingkindness Song while you create a collage or list of people who are your neighbors. Tip: they could be strangers or people who aren’t your friends. Is there anyone who is not your neighbor?

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