3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: God’s Love For All

February 13, 2022
Children make handmade Valentine cards in St. Paul's Chapel during Whole Community Learning in early 2020

The Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain is all about love too — God’s love, which is not just for one special person at a time. It is for all people and creation, especially those who are hungry, hurting, and overlooked. For a long time, most people thought that God favored the rich and powerful, and the poor and hurting people must have deserved to be poor and hungry. Jesus tried to turn those ideas upside down. Loving God means loving each other, and vice versa. 

Read and color the Mini Storybook based on Luke 6:17–26.

An illustration of Jesus sitting on a hill giving a sermon to a group of people

The Mini Storybook is included in the take-home packets available at the 11:15am Sunday service. You can also print it at home.

1. Sing and Dance

Listen to The Beatitudes by Sweet Honey in the Rock.

Follow along with the lyrics and today’s Gospel. Hold a stretch or yoga pose through each “Blessed are…” line. Breathe.

2. Play and Pray

Play the Sharing Game (see instructions below).

Pray: Dear God, show me the way to love to give, and to give to love. Amen.

3. Create

See the activity in Mini Revolutions and create the Sharing Game with cards, coins, or wooden disks in your at home package. Watch Jean Tremmel demonstrate: