3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: In God’s House

May 5, 2023
A child sings in Trinity Church during the 9am Holy Eucharist

Fifth Sunday of Easter

We are more than halfway through the 50 days from Easter to Pentecost. Last week was Good Shepherd Sunday — do you remember the last line of the 23rd Psalm? “…and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.”

This week we will explore what Jesus meant when he said, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.” We’ll wonder what it means to dwell in God’s house. We’ll wonder where it is, and if it really is a noun (person, place, or thing).

Print, fold, read, and color the story booklet.

A cartoon line drawn of Jesus standing in front of a path the leads over rolling hills with the sun shining brightly in the distance

1. Sing and Dance

Sing “Take Me Home, Country Roads,” an old song about a specific home that seems to never get old. Sing and dance along! Change the lyric to describe your home, God’s home, or your heart’s home. 

2. Play and Pray

Play Welcome Home!Host an imaginary party. Make to-do lists and to-serve lists. What would you do when your guests arrived? How would you make them feel “at home”?

Pray: Loving and comforting God, thank you for welcoming us and helping us be safe. Thank you for making space in your house for everyone. Help us show your welcome and love to others. Amen.  

3. Create

Offering a blessing for those who enter or depart our homes reminds us of Jesus being the gate of the sheepfold. How can we bless people as they come and go, or remind them and ourselves that God is present in and outside of our dwelling places? How can we be a blessing as we enter or depart our homes?

On a small strip of paper, write a blessing for those who come in and out of your home or room, or a thank you prayer for God’s presence, God’s home, wherever we are. Roll it up like a scroll and tie it with a string, ribbon, or rubber band. Attach it to your door or place it in a container near the door. Touch it when you go in or out, or say the blessing out loud or to yourself. 

On many Jewish homes, there is what is called a mezuzah, either attached on the door or doorframe or right outside the front door. These are also sometimes found at the doors of rooms inside the home. The mezuzah is a scroll with verses from Deuteronomy written on it, about loving one God, the God of Oneness. It is a blessing for those going in and out. There are many rules and rituals around how and who makes or places the mezuzah, and we wouldn’t want to diminish the importance of any of them, so we are not calling this activity a mezuzah.

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