3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: God Is Always With Us

February 7, 2022
A family looks through the worship bulletin together in Trinity Church

The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany

Jesus had been making lots of new friends around Galilee, where he had grown up. Galileans who lived near the sea, mostly grew up to be expert fishermen. But they were poor and powerless because of the Roman Empire and King Herod’s unfair control. They had very few choices in life. These were the people who Jesus invited to come with him. He told them that everyone is worthy, and everyone could discover and choose what kind of person they wanted to be. It can be a hard to try something new, or something that you don’t think you’re good at doing or being. Jesus made sure they knew that he would be with them, and God is always with us when we’re trying, when we’re making mistakes, and when we’re achieving. 

Read and color the Mini Storybook based on Luke 5:1–11.

An line drawing of fishers pulling nets full of fish from the sea as Jesus looks on

The Mini Storybook is included in the take-home packets available at the 11:15am Sunday service. You can also print it at home.

1. Sing and Dance

Sing and dance along with O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus.

Sing and sign Here Am I Lord.

2. Play and Pray

With your family, try the Visualization exercise in the Mini-Revolutions activity page. Talk about the wondering prompts at mealtime, bedtime, or while you color the fish page or make the Shrinky dink fish (see below). Make up a game to play with your fish.

Pray: O God, help me to follow in Jesus’ ways. Thank you for loving me as I am. Amen.

3. Create

Upcycle #5 or #6 plastic, which we don’t want in our seas. Make Shrinky-Dink Fish art. Read or watch how to DIY.