3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Being a Blessing

Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany
Being a blessing, or a proactive follower of Jesus, may seem like an obvious thing for us to do. Sounds easy, though sometimes it requires conscious thought or effort, especially in relationships. And we don’t always get it right.
Have you ever noticed how much faster and more easily we can break something than create or repair something? So, what do we do when we react without thought or effort, or with anger, or hold grudges? Or if we accidentally harm a relationship?
We began this Epiphany season with Jesus’ baptism, when everyone present heard that Jesus, a human, was beloved by God, as are all people.
Jesus knew that people, as groups and as individuals, are not perfect, that we make mistakes, that we sometimes break things. But Jesus wasn’t about blaming or fixing other people. In order to repair relationships, we need to find peace, love, and forgiveness in our own hearts first.
Print, fold, read, and color the story booklet.
1. Sing and Dance
Sing and dance to Leonard Cohen’s “Anthem.”
Follow along with the dancers in the video and sing with the refrain:
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
2. Play and Pray
Play Build and Break. Pair up. With blocks, Jenga, or other items that can stack, one person builds a tower and the other knocks it down. Switch roles. Which is easier? Building or breaking? Which is faster? What would make it harder to knock down? Which role feels better? Now do both roles together, then put the building items away — together.
Pray: Dear God, help us be brave, kind, and honest as we repair relationships in our own hearts and lives. Amen.
3. Create
Cut out a large heart. Tear the heart into as many pieces as your age. Glue the pieces together or onto another sheet of paper. Use the torn edges to make a design or decorate the heart when it is whole again. Make a Valentine’s Day card with it or save it to write an apology to someone or a forgiveness prayer. Tip: If you have glitter glue, use that in the cracks, so the light can shine.
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