3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Beginnings and Endings

November 19, 2022
Children and an adult read through the worship bulletin together during worship at Trinity Church

The Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost

Reign of Christ Sunday

When we talk about time and the liturgical calendar in Godly Play, we demonstrate it with a golden string, which the storyteller pulls out slowly from one closed fist. At first, it looks like the string might go on in a straight line forever, then the end appears, and the storyteller holds both ends of the string up together and says, “The beginning that was so new at the beginning now is old. The ending is the new part now. We have a beginning that is like an ending and an ending that is like a beginning.

Do you know what the Church did? They tied the ending that is like a beginning and the begin­ning that is like an ending together, so we would always remember that for every ending there is a beginning and for every beginning there is an ending.”

Many children don’t like endings, or transitions, unless they know what’s going to happen next (and if it’s something good). This Sunday, we’ll hear the prophecies and songs about what is possible with new beginnings and, in the Gospel, we’ll hear some of Jesus’s final but comforting words on the cross. Next Sunday, a new liturgical season and year begins: Advent. And on Thursday we give thanks for the endings and beginnings of the past year, and our hopes for ourselves, our families, our city, our nation, and the world to come.

Print, fold, read, and color the story booklet.

A line drawing of an angel appearing to Zechariah with a special message

1. Sing and Dance

Sing and dance along with musicians Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod in GRATEFUL: A Love Song to the World.

2. Play and Pray

Play some board games or old-school card games with your friends and family over Thanksgiving weekend.

Pray: Dear God, thank you for songs reminding us you love us and promise to be with us. Help us see you when we remember the past, when we experience the present, and when we think about the future. Amen.    

3. Create

Use construction paper and crayons to create your own Thanksgiving meal placements. You can draw things you’re thankful for, brightly colored fall leaves, or anything that helps you express gratitude. To save them for next year, cover your finished placemats in clear contact paper.

We'll have take-home coloring sheets available at Harvest Brunch this Sunday, too.

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