Safety & Health

The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles meets with parishioner in masks

Trinity Church Safety Policy

A security and safety check is required for entry at Trinity Church and St. Paul’s Chapel. No weapons, dangerous instruments, or external food or beverages are allowed. We are grateful for your cooperation and support.  

Trinity Weapons Policy 

Trinity Church (together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, “Trinity”) strictly prohibits the possession of Weapons of any type, concealed or otherwise, indoors and outdoors at all Trinity-owned properties. 

This prohibition does not apply to firearms carried by: (a) Trinity security personnel who have appropriate licenses and are authorized by Trinity to carry firearms, and (b) sworn federal, state, or local law enforcement officers of the jurisdiction in which the property is located who are legally authorized to carry firearms in that jurisdiction, and are on Trinity property in the course of their official duties at the request of Trinity. Law enforcement officers bringing firearms onto Trinity premises must carry valid identification that establishes their law enforcement status. Only uniformed officers shall be permitted to openly carry firearms on Trinity-owned properties. 

Individuals carrying Weapons will not be permitted to enter the premises. Trinity will not provide storage for Weapons. 

Any exception to this policy must be approved by Trinity’s Chief Operating Officer (the “COO”) in writing in advance and such writing must be carried by the individual along with valid identification. 

Signs announcing this policy shall be posted at all Trinity locations with a QR code or similar electronic link to the full policy. 

As used in this policy, “Weapons” include instruments used to inflict physical harm, that are intended to inflict harm, or that could reasonably cause fear of infliction of harm including imitations, and any item that may be deemed weapons under applicable law, including but not limited to: a pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, firearm, stun gun, BB or pellet gun, taser, electric dart gun, and other instrument that launches a projectile by pressure resulting from combustion of propellant material, including a weapon related to or using chemicals, air, sound, flare, or springs; bombs, grenades, mines, explosives, or incendiary devices (which can include “ignition devices” and aerosols); a dagger, stiletto, sword, switchblade knife, gravity knife, and knife having a blade exceeding four inches in length; a billy club, blackjack, bludgeon, plastic knuckle, metal knuckle, chuka stick, sand bag, sandclub, wrist-brace type slingshot or slungshot, or shuriken; and including parts, components, spare parts, or ammunition relating to the above. A disarmed weapon is a Weapon. This list is illustrative and not exhaustive. 

Effective October 2022 

Reminder: No Spectators 

Due to space constraints, no spectators are permitted during full-court athletics in the Trinity Commons Gymnasium. 

  • The “no spectators” policy applies to parents and peers from both visiting and home teams. 

  • Only coaches, visiting athletes, and managers listed on the PSAL website may enter the building. All visitors must be checked in by Security and show a photo ID upon entrance. 

Effective January 2024 

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Every week, join us on Sunday mornings at 8am, 9am, and 11:15am. Compline by Candlelight is also held at 8pm Sundays at St. Paul's Chapel. Monday to Friday, we offer the 12:05pm Holy Eucharist in the Chapel of All Saints at Trinity Church.
Together we pray
Worship January 19, 2025 Trinity Church

Holy Eucharist

A simple celebration of the Holy Eucharist, with a brief sermon and communion.
Together we sing
Worship A celebration of the Holy Eucharist, with a brief sermon, organ, communion, and music by Trinity Choir and the Trinity Youth Chorus. January 19, 2025 Trinity Church

Holy Eucharist for Martin Luther King Jr. Day Sunday

A simple worship service with celebration of the Holy Eucharist, with a brief sermon, organ music, communion, and music by Trinity Choir and the Trinity Youth Chorus.