Comfort at One

Sandbox Percussion four square of musicians at home playing extremes.

With musical performances returning to Trinity Church Wall Street in-person as of March 2022, Comfort at One, one of Trinity's pandemic online musical offerings, has been retired. We hope these performances helped you find a daily haven of peace and comfort during trying times.

To watch archived Comfort at One performances, browse the list below or visit our music video portal for even more concerts.

All Past Performances

249 results
MusicMarch 11, 2021

Comfort at One: Julian Wachner

On Thursdays throughout Lent, Comfort at One will feature our Director of Music Julian Wachner performing a variety of improvisations. Today’s Comfort at One features the 4th Lamentatio improvisation.
MusicMarch 10, 2021

Comfort at One: Andrew Yee

Today’s Comfort at One "Virtual Wednesday" video features an at-home performance from one of our NOVUS NY core members, cellist Andrew Yee, in concert with... themself!
MusicMarch 9, 2021

Comfort at One: Tallis, Dufay, and Ockeghem

Today we continue presenting our Lenten “Lamentatio” series from 2014. Director of Music Julian Wachner conducts The Choir of Trinity Wall Street in this exploration of darkness and light.
MusicMarch 8, 2021

Comfort at One: Desired Light of Joy

We continue with past Bach performances that include the theme of light for today’s Comfort at One, which begins with BWV 184 Erwünschtes Freudenlicht “Desired Light of Joy.”
MusicMarch 5, 2021

Comfort at One: Farrah Dupoux

Enjoy this stunning “at church” Comfort at One selection with pianist Farrah Dupoux performs a piano improvisation on an original composition juxtaposed with “Here I am, Lord.”
Harpist plays Lamentatio 2
MusicMarch 2, 2021

Comfort at One: Lamentatio 2

Comfort at One continues presenting Trinity’s 2014 Lenten series with today’s performance “Lamentatio 2.”
MusicMarch 1, 2021

Comfort at One: Bach's BWV 12

“Be faithful, all pain will yet be only a little thing. After the rain blessing blossoms, all storms pass away” (BWV 12). Today for Comfort at One, we continue presenting our past Bach performances.
MusicFebruary 26, 2021

Comfort at One: House of Time

A gorgeous performance by the beguiling early music group House of Time featuring Gonzalo Ruiz, oboe, Tatiana Daubek, violin, Matt Zucker, cello, and Elliott Figg, harpsichord.