Illustration of Lower Manhattan

Neighborhood Support Virtual Town Hall

Add to Calendar 2022-11-30 11:00 AM 2022-11-30 12:00 PM America/New_York Neighborhood Support Virtual Town Hall

Join Trinity Church Wall Street for a virtual Town Hall as we share the release of our policy brief on childcare in Lower Manhattan. This report has been developed in partnership with community members to reflect the lived experience of those who live, work, or study in lower Manhattan. Neighborhood Support will use these findings to guide Trinity’s programming for and support of lower Manhattan communities.

Topics include an overview of the policy challenges impacting access to childcare, including afterschool, in New York City and Lower Manhattan, and a summary of the Neighborhood Support division's grant-making strategy. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.

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Join Trinity Church Wall Street for a virtual Town Hall as we share the release of our policy brief on childcare in Lower Manhattan. This report has been developed in partnership with community members to reflect the lived experience of those who live, work, or study in lower Manhattan. Neighborhood Support will use these findings to guide Trinity’s programming for and support of lower Manhattan communities.

Topics include an overview of the policy challenges impacting access to childcare, including afterschool, in New York City and Lower Manhattan, and a summary of the Neighborhood Support division's grant-making strategy. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.
