Book Club

Trinity Book Club: The Nicene Creed: An Introduction

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Add to Calendar 2025-04-25 6:00 PM 2025-04-25 7:00 PM America/New_York Trinity Book Club: The Nicene Creed: An Introduction

Trinity Book Club meets weekly online to consider thought-provoking works of literature through the lens of the Christian faith. Join us as we discuss The Nicene Creed: An Introduction by Phillip Cary, which goes line by line to illuminate the meaning behind the centuries-old statement of faith. 

To be added to the book club list, please email For the full schedule, visit

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Trinity Book Club meets weekly online to consider thought-provoking works of literature through the lens of the Christian faith. Join us as we discuss The Nicene Creed: An Introduction by Phillip Cary, which goes line by line to illuminate the meaning behind the centuries-old statement of faith. 

To be added to the book club list, please email For the full schedule, visit

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