
Philippine Madrigal Singers: AAPI Celebration

Add to Calendar 2023-05-30 7:00 PM 2023-05-30 8:00 PM America/New_York Philippine Madrigal Singers: AAPI Celebration

Trinity Church Wall Street is excited to present the virtuosic Philippine Madrigal Singers in a celebration of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Recognized by the UNESCO as Artists for Peace for “putting their fame and influence to promote cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace,” the Philippine Madrigal Singers will perform works from the Asian canon interspersed with poetry, readings, and conversations around AAPI in the arts.

St. Paul's Chapel false

Trinity Church Wall Street is excited to present the virtuosic Philippine Madrigal Singers in a celebration of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Recognized by the UNESCO as Artists for Peace for “putting their fame and influence to promote cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace,” the Philippine Madrigal Singers will perform works from the Asian canon interspersed with poetry, readings, and conversations around AAPI in the arts.

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