Pack Care Bags at Prison Ministry Coffee Hour
After the 11:15am service, join members of Trinity’s Prison Ministry to learn about their work advocating for criminal justice reform and supporting incarcerated people and their families. We’ll also be packing personal care bags to be distributed by the Women’s Community Justice Association to women currently incarcerated on Rikers Island. If you’re looking for service opportunities during the Lenten season, please consider joining us. Sign up by contacting Volunteer@TrinityChurchNYC.org by Thursday, March 20.
After the 11:15am service, join members of Trinity’s Prison Ministry to learn about their work advocating for criminal justice reform and supporting incarcerated people and their families. We’ll also be packing personal care bags to be distributed by the Women’s Community Justice Association to women currently incarcerated on Rikers Island. If you’re looking for service opportunities during the Lenten season, please consider joining us. Sign up by contacting Volunteer@TrinityChurchNYC.org by Thursday, March 20.
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