The Mystical Experience of Everyday Living Retreat
Mysticism is often viewed as the privileged experience of a few chosen, holy individuals. But German Jesuit Karl Rahner wrote about “everyday mysticism,” and Carmelite Sister Ruth Burrows described the mystical life simply as “God touching the depths of our being.” In examining the experiences of Thomas Merton and others, this retreat explores God’s unmistakable presence in our daily rhythms, prompting you to notice, identify, and appreciate mystical encounters in your everyday life. God is closer than we think.
Led by Sophfronia Scott.
Mysticism is often viewed as the privileged experience of a few chosen, holy individuals. But German Jesuit Karl Rahner wrote about “everyday mysticism,” and Carmelite Sister Ruth Burrows described the mystical life simply as “God touching the depths of our being.” In examining the experiences of Thomas Merton and others, this retreat explores God’s unmistakable presence in our daily rhythms, prompting you to notice, identify, and appreciate mystical encounters in your everyday life. God is closer than we think.
Led by Sophfronia Scott.