Parish Life

Mending the New: Spirituality & The Art of Mending

Add to Calendar 2023-07-07 4:00 PM 2023-07-09 2:00 PM America/New_York Mending the New: Spirituality & The Art of Mending

As an opportunity to discern Trinity Church Wall Street’s core value of Compassion, join leaders from Makoto Fujimura’s “Kintsugi Academy” for a weekend to learn the traditional Japanese artistic method of kintsugi, in which broken or shattered objects are mended with gold.

Retreatants will receive materials for an intensive creative journey, while exploring themes in spiritual formation such as imperfection, beauty in brokenness, self-compassion, value, healing, renewal, and becoming.

Trinity Retreat Center false

As an opportunity to discern Trinity Church Wall Street’s core value of Compassion, join leaders from Makoto Fujimura’s “Kintsugi Academy” for a weekend to learn the traditional Japanese artistic method of kintsugi, in which broken or shattered objects are mended with gold.

Retreatants will receive materials for an intensive creative journey, while exploring themes in spiritual formation such as imperfection, beauty in brokenness, self-compassion, value, healing, renewal, and becoming.

Parish Life

Upcoming Events at Trinity Retreat Center!

The maze at Trinity Retreat Center
Community Led by Summerlee Staten and Kathy Bozzuti-Jones January 31, 2025 Trinity Retreat Center

The Way in the Wilderness

Prayer, worship, and community reflection will punctuate our late-autumn days together in the New England woods and culminate around the Thanksgiving table.  
A oil painting portrait of a young girl
Community February 4, 2025 Trinity Retreat Center

Mary Magdalene as Spiritual Guide

Join parish priest and spiritual director Rev. Heather Sisk to consider topics such as healing and forgiveness, discernment, witness, abiding, and transformation.
Community February 11, 2025 Trinity Retreat Center

Introduction to Working With the Enneagram

Join parish priest and spiritual director Rev. Heather Sisk to consider topics such as healing and forgiveness, discernment, witness, abiding, and transformation.