Deeper Work with the Enneagram
Who are we called to become? Most Enneagram workshops focus primarily on the personality, or what Richard Rohr calls the “False Self.” This workshop/retreat takes the participants beyond the Enneagram of personality and offers us a glimpse of how the different facets of God’s Wisdom are truly written on our hearts. By using didactic methods and experiential exercises, attendees are given the opportunity to cultivate a deeper awareness of how this works in their own lives. This retreat is recommended for people with some experience in working with the Enneagram.
Who are we called to become? Most Enneagram workshops focus primarily on the personality, or what Richard Rohr calls the “False Self.” This workshop/retreat takes the participants beyond the Enneagram of personality and offers us a glimpse of how the different facets of God’s Wisdom are truly written on our hearts. By using didactic methods and experiential exercises, attendees are given the opportunity to cultivate a deeper awareness of how this works in their own lives. This retreat is recommended for people with some experience in working with the Enneagram.