A pen on a notebook.

Be Still and Know: Encountering God Through Meditation

Add to Calendar 2025-09-13 9:00 AM 2025-09-13 4:00 PM America/New_York Be Still and Know: Encountering God Through Meditation

$75, lunch included.

Spend time in the quiet of our hearts, being still and listening for the whisper of the spirit. Through guided meditation, individual self-led meditation, journaling, and group sharing facilitated by Samantha Trolice, Program Manager at Trinity Retreat Center, we will find that God is not far from any of us.

For more information or to reserve your spot, email Samantha Trolice or call 917-816-6316. When emailing, please include the name and date of the retreat you're interested in. 

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$75, lunch included.

Spend time in the quiet of our hearts, being still and listening for the whisper of the spirit. Through guided meditation, individual self-led meditation, journaling, and group sharing facilitated by Samantha Trolice, Program Manager at Trinity Retreat Center, we will find that God is not far from any of us.

For more information or to reserve your spot, email Samantha Trolice or call 917-816-6316. When emailing, please include the name and date of the retreat you're interested in. 


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