Trinity Young Adults gather for a weeknight dinner
Parish Life

Trinity Young Adults: A Life of Meaning

Thursdays, September 19–December 5
Add to Calendar 2024-09-19 6:30 PM 2024-09-19 8:30 PM America/New_York Trinity Young Adults: A Life of Meaning

Consider big questions at the heart of Christian life and practice: What is real love? How can I live with purpose? How do I know myself — and God? And what do we do about suffering? Guided by Trinity staff and clergy, plus special guests, we’ll study the Book of Ecclesiastes while exploring faith, resilience, and love. Open to adults in their 20s and 30s.

No meetings 10/31, 11/28

To RSVP and learn more about future events, email

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Consider big questions at the heart of Christian life and practice: What is real love? How can I live with purpose? How do I know myself — and God? And what do we do about suffering? Guided by Trinity staff and clergy, plus special guests, we’ll study the Book of Ecclesiastes while exploring faith, resilience, and love. Open to adults in their 20s and 30s.

No meetings 10/31, 11/28

To RSVP and learn more about future events, email

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