An illustration of hands wearing handcuffs, reaching towards the sky.
Parish Life

Prison Ministry Group

Add to Calendar 2024-09-05 6:00 PM 2024-09-05 7:30 PM America/New_York Prison Ministry Group

Trinity’s parishioner-led Prison Ministry advocates for social justice reform of prisons and incarceration and supports fair reentry processes and opportunities for those returning home. We engage in direct communication to uplift the spirits of those incarcerated, letting them know they have a loving community in our ministry and are not forgotten. All are welcome to join our monthly meetings, hear from speakers on social justice and criminal justice reform topics, and learn about opportunities to get involved with our work. 

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Trinity’s parishioner-led Prison Ministry advocates for social justice reform of prisons and incarceration and supports fair reentry processes and opportunities for those returning home. We engage in direct communication to uplift the spirits of those incarcerated, letting them know they have a loving community in our ministry and are not forgotten. All are welcome to join our monthly meetings, hear from speakers on social justice and criminal justice reform topics, and learn about opportunities to get involved with our work. 

Parish Life, Social Justice

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