A star-filled night sky behind a silhouette of trees

Contemplative Eucharist

Come rest in the presence of God

Add to Calendar 2023-09-27 5:30 PM 2023-09-27 6:00 PM America/New_York Contemplative Eucharist

It’s the middle of the week. Come rest in the presence of God, who is always ready to welcome and to love us — just as we are.

This 30-minute service is followed by a light supper. All are welcome.

To learn more, contact the Pastoral Care team at PastoralCare@trinitywallstreet.org.

Trinity Church false

It’s the middle of the week. Come rest in the presence of God, who is always ready to welcome and to love us — just as we are.

This 30-minute service is followed by a light supper. All are welcome.

To learn more, contact the Pastoral Care team at PastoralCare@trinitywallstreet.org.


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