Racial Justice & Education Affinity Group
An initiative of Trinity Cares Reflection and Action, The Racial Justice & Education Affinity Group meets monthly via Zoom to reflect and plan educational programs that center racial justice. Recent activities include the Native American Experiences film series and working with the Children & Families team on this year's Juneteenth celebration and book swap. All are welcome to join and contribute to our work. RSVP to Liz DiLauro at TrinityCaresTCWS@gmail.com.
An initiative of Trinity Cares Reflection and Action, The Racial Justice & Education Affinity Group meets monthly via Zoom to reflect and plan educational programs that center racial justice. Recent activities include the Native American Experiences film series and working with the Children & Families team on this year's Juneteenth celebration and book swap. All are welcome to join and contribute to our work. RSVP to Liz DiLauro at TrinityCaresTCWS@gmail.com.