Inwood Hill Park Nature and History Walking Tour
The Environmental Justice Group, part of Trinity’s Witness & Outreach Committee, is sponsoring a walking tour of Inwood Hill Park with the NYC Department of Parks. Park-ranger led, we will spend close to two hours learning about how the Lenape indigenous people lived in that area. We’ll experience flora, fauna, caves, and more that have existed for centuries in this natural park. Enjoying the beauty of our surroundings and God’s creation, while envisioning the original peoples’ lives and what they were like will be a rich experience. The walk is coordinated by Cindy Jay and David Ward. The walk and tour has limited capacity, so please register as soon as possible by sending an email to David Ward at djward71@yahoo.com.
The Environmental Justice Group, part of Trinity’s Witness & Outreach Committee, is sponsoring a walking tour of Inwood Hill Park with the NYC Department of Parks. Park-ranger led, we will spend close to two hours learning about how the Lenape indigenous people lived in that area. We’ll experience flora, fauna, caves, and more that have existed for centuries in this natural park. Enjoying the beauty of our surroundings and God’s creation, while envisioning the original peoples’ lives and what they were like will be a rich experience. The walk is coordinated by Cindy Jay and David Ward. The walk and tour has limited capacity, so please register as soon as possible by sending an email to David Ward at djward71@yahoo.com.