Catch Your Breathe Retreat

Catch Your Breath Retreat

Add to Calendar 2021-09-03 8:00 PM 2021-09-03 8:30 PM America/New_York Catch Your Breath Retreat

September 3–5, 2021 with the Rev. Kristin Miles, Trinity Church Wall Street

As we go through our daily lives, often our bodies and minds are not in the same place. We continuously think about the past or future—situations removed from the present moment. This retreat offers spiritual wisdom and practices to support a more peaceful, centered, and rested way of life.

This free retreat will take place over five half-hour sessions throughout the weekend at these times, streamed on Facebook Live. All times are Eastern. Registration is not required.

  • Friday 8–8:30pm
  • Saturday 10–10:30am, 2–2:30pm, and 8–8:30pm
  • Sunday 4–4:30pm


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September 3–5, 2021 with the Rev. Kristin Miles, Trinity Church Wall Street

As we go through our daily lives, often our bodies and minds are not in the same place. We continuously think about the past or future—situations removed from the present moment. This retreat offers spiritual wisdom and practices to support a more peaceful, centered, and rested way of life.

This free retreat will take place over five half-hour sessions throughout the weekend at these times, streamed on Facebook Live. All times are Eastern. Registration is not required.

  • Friday 8–8:30pm
  • Saturday 10–10:30am, 2–2:30pm, and 8–8:30pm
  • Sunday 4–4:30pm