Telling Trinity Stories: The 2023 History Fellows Project

History Fellows Documentary

Living Legacies: Voices of Trinity

This summer, the Trinity Youth History Fellows worked with teaching artists from Montclair Film to create mini-documentaries featuring the lived experience of longtime members of Trinity Church.

Trinity Youth History Fellows

The moving stories in these films show the history of the Church to be one of vibrant human experience. Throughout the 4-week project, the Trinity Youth History Fellows—high school students from all over New York City—learned the art of documentary filmmaking from their instructors, including lessons in interviewing, videography, and editing. But even more importantly, they learned to honor and celebrate the stories of God’s love and deep wisdom from those who helped make the Trinity community what it is today.

Trinity Youth History Fellows

On Sunday, October 1st, the Trinity Youth fellows shared these eleven films with the Trinity community, and now they are available to all of you. In addition to the youth-led documentaries, you can hear from the fellows themselves about their experience making films together and learning to listen for the story.

Thank you to all the young people, teachers, interviewees, and staff that made this project possible.

Group photo of History Fellows

New Beginnings

After suffering a painful loss, Cynthia Moten found herself in need of friends. She made new friends, and gained a new family, at Trinity Church, where “everybody is welcome.”

Lili Vahtra
Alana Conley
Versailles Martinez
Maia Blake
Tamira Young
Jasmin Alcantara

Marching for God’s Universal Love

Al DiRaffaele decided years ago he didn’t want to live in a closet in order to be a Christian. Since arriving at Trinity, Al has expressed his thanks to God for the freedom to be himself by advocating for and serving others.

Filmmakers: Jasmin Alcantara Ashanti Clarke-Rawlins RJ McAllister Cassia Lutete Imarcy Marmol Versailles Martinez Tamira Young

Meditations and Movement

Toni Foy likens the arts and the power of the arts to faith, something greater than ourselves. At Trinity, she has found a place to express her creativity and faith.

Filmmakers: Lili Vahtra Haruki Schror Alana Conley Shubhvir Toor Henry Andrews Ebony Spicer Janabou Diallo

A Place Where Everyone Can Grow

The Rt. Rev. Matthew Heyd first visited Trinity as an eight-year-old and, years later, joined the clergy staff as an adult. During a particularly difficult period, he and his family felt the undoubtable support of the parish: “This community showed up for us.”

Filmmakers: Janabou Diallo Maia Blake Alana Conley Ebony Spicer Cassia Lutete Imarcy Marmol Shubhvir Toor

The Echoes of Past Prayers

Lorraine LaHuta and her husband were drawn to the welcome Trinity Church gave them. The warmth and the care expressed by people in the pews around them have made Trinity their family’s church.

Filmmakers: Versailles Martinez Tamira Young Shubvhir Toor Imarcy Marmol Henry Andrews Haruki Schror Alana Conley

The Power of Education

Fighting for access to a good education for herself and others has been the mission of Joyce Mondesire for much of her life. While pursuing that goal, Trinity Church has been her spiritual home, the place where she has served and gotten involved.

Filmmakers: Ashanti Clarke-Rawlins Imarcy Marmol Cassia Lutete Janabou Diallo Shubhvir Toor Versailles Martinez

When Reaffirming One’s Vows Meant Choosing Trinity

Lorna Bruce came to Trinity for years, but it was the invitation of another parishioner, and growing of her grandchildren, that led her to stay at Trinity, where somebody knows her name.

Filmmakers: Henry Andrews Versailles Martinez Shubhvir Toor Janabou Diallo Tamira Young

A Life in Close Proximity to Christ’s Love

The Rev. John Moody credits his time in World War II with opening his eyes to the humanity of every person. In the many years since, he has served as a priest, become an artist, and ministered to people during the AIDS crisis in the late 1980s and 90s. Learn more about his journey.

Filmmakers: Ashanti Clarke-Rawlins Jasmin Alcantara Alana Conley Ebony Spicer Lili Vahtra

Honoring Each and Everyone’s Personal Story

Staff member Jim Melchiorre believes in the power of stories and the power of community and he treats the stories and community he has found at Trinity with care and respect. “A story is how the world runs.”

Filmmakers: Shubhvir Toor Imarcy Marmol Tamira Young Maia Blake Haruki Schror RJ McAllister

Welcoming with Dignity and Respect

As head usher at Trinity, Lorna Nembhard has been on the front lines of greeting parishioners and visitors for years. Each person’s reason for coming into the church is different, but the warm welcome doesn’t vary.

Filmmakers: Ebony Spicer RJ McAllister Janabou Diallo Versailles Martinez Maia Blake

"All history is a struggle, Between what we must end, And what we must begin."

Poet and parishioner Chester Johnson struggles with the legacy of his grandfather. With the support of the Trinity community, he’s been able to explore fully the meaning of forgiveness.

Filmmakers: Haruki Schror Henry Andrews Imarcy Marmol Tamira Young Maia Blake

Go Behind the Scenes with the 2023 History Fellows

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