
Hands painting a mural

The Education committee works with staff and each other to provide enriching adult formation opportunities for the congregation.

Chairperson: Alistair Cree and Beth Johanning


Sunday School

The Sunday School Committee supports Trinity Parish families by engaging with Sunday School curriculum and programs for children of all ages on Sundays, and by hosting community events for the whole family throughout the year. This committee also provides practical support for parents, by engaging speakers on various topics, such as school admission processes and navigating difficult parenting challenges. The Committee strives to help families grow in love of God by centering activities on spiritual teachings and love of neighbor.

Parish Library

The Parish Library Committee supports efforts to catalogue and maintain Trinity’s collection of publicly accessible books and written materials and assists the Faith Formation staff in stewardship of the library space at Trinity Commons.

The Gospel, Times, Journal, and You (GTJY)

This group meets every Sunday at 10am for a discussion that centers the gospel in our understanding or current events. A selection of op-eds from The New York Times and Wall Street Journal are read and discussed alongside the Gospel reading for the day.


Discovery is Trinity’s primary class for adult faith formation and takes place every Sunday at 10am. While formats and subjects vary, they typically take the form of a seminar with opportunities for group discussion. Topics have ranged from contemporary social issues, to church history, to biblical studies and theology. Recent guest speakers have included Matthew Desmond (author of Pulitzer Prize winner Evicted), and Dr. Diana Butler Bass.

Education for Ministry (EfM)

Education for Ministry offers participants the opportunity to delve deeply into scripture, church history, and theological perspectives. As a small group “class” that meets weekly for about 9 months each year, the program provides a space for a committed group to share their unique perspectives with one another as they work through common readings and theological reflection exercises. In an increasingly secular world, it’s not easy to talk about our encounters with God. The EfM group setting aims to create a safe space to explore our doubts, fears, and everyday encounters with wonder, mystery and more.

Lenten Meditations

This committee is responsible for organizing, collating, and editing the shared spiritual reflections from our congregation into a booklet that is published each Lent. For every day in Lent, different parishioners offer their meditations and prayersinspired by the lectionary readings for the day.