Faith Education

Author David Blight speaks with the Rev. Phil Jackson, priest-in-charge at Trinity in St. Paul's Chapel.

What do we believe and why? Where does the Bible come from? How do we show up fully in our lives — and in our world? Through weekly studies and classes, topical lectures and workshops, and special events and programs, explore what it means to be a person of faith. 

Programs for Adults 


Seek answers about scripture and spirituality that challenge us to put faith into practice

Register for the fall session

Into the Word

Dig deep into the Bible, its history, and what it means for us today

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Trinity Talks

Insightful conversations with leading authors and thinkers at the intersection of faith and civic life

Learn more and sign up


A series for anyone wanting to learn more about Christianity and The Episcopal Church

Sign up for the next session

Being With

An online group that explores the Christian faith through sharing our stories

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Walk open-hearted toward transformation on journeys to sacred sites across the globe

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Children, Youth and Family 

Children’s Time 

Sundays at 10am, children and their families are invited to learn and play together in peer-grouped classes for two-year-olds through fifth graders. 

All children must be enrolled annually. 

Register now 

Trinity Youth Group and Bible & Bagels 

Trinity Youth Group meets each Wednesday to eat dinner, play games, and talk about what’s on our minds—supported by our beliefs and by one another. On Sunday mornings, Trinity Youth are invited to ask questions and join discussion exploring the Bible, Christianity, and The Episcopal Church.

Learn more